
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese  medicine is based on a vital energy of life force called Qi circulates in the body through a system of pathway called meridians. Health is ongoing process of maintaining balance and harmony in the circulation of Qi. Qi is proposed to regulate a person's spiritual, emotional, mental and physical balance and to be influenced by opposing forces of Yin energy and Yang energy. Disease is proposed to result from the flow of Qi being disrupted and YIn and Yang becoming imbalance. TCM emphasizes individually treatment, traditionally used four methods to evaluate a patient's condition:  observing (esp. tongue), hearing/smelling, Asking/Interviewing and Touching/Palpating(esp. pulse). TCM therapies include herbal and nutritional therapy, Acupuncture, Chinese message and  mind-body therapies such as Qi Gong and Tai Qi, dietary therapy.


At Confucius acupuncture,our treatment protocol are often anything but " by the book" and are perfectly adapted to the individual case of the patient. We offer several different acupuncture techniques. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Japanese Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture and scalp Acupuncture depending on the needs of the patient.


Herbs are often recommended because they are natural treatment and are powerful adjunct Acupuncture care. In Chinese herbal medicine, individual herbs are combined in formulas designed to target an individual's disharmony in order to expedite the healing process by strengthen and supporting the body. You can receive the full benefits that Acupuncture and holistic natural cures have to offer.


Moxibustion is traditional Chinese medicine therapy using Moxa or mugwort herb which Is rolled into sticks or cones and burned above the skin. This aromatic herb crates a sensation that is warming and pleasant and regulate Qi and blood.

Electric Stimulation

Electro-Acupuncture is a powerful adjunctive modality when used in conjunction with acupuncture. It is another natural treatment that is used in holistic care, alternative medicine and Chinese medicine. Low level electric current may be applied to the needle or the skin. This is often used for muscle spasm and Acupuncture analgesia and to enhance point stimulation in general.


Massage and bodywork are often applied in coordination with the needling to aid in relation and facilitate movement of Qi.


Cupping is another natural treatment utilized in Chinese medicine which is designed to Stimulate the flow of Qi and blood within superficial muscle layers. It is used for sore muscle, tension, neck pain, back pain, sciatic pain and common cold. In this theory, small glass cups are placed over specific areas on your body. A vacuum is created Under the cup using heat or suction. They may be moved over an affected area or left in place. You may leave office with redness or bruises. There is no need for concern, as it will dissipate around a week.

TDP Lamps

TDP therapeutic lamps features a round coated plate with a proprietary mineral formation consisting of 33 elements essential to the human body. It is new type therapeutic and health device with functions of promoting metabolism, regulate physiological deficiencies, diminishing inflammation and reducing pain. It has successfully treated up to 60 million patients in China, Hong Kong, south Asia, Japan, Australia. It is known in China as " miracle lamp". They have proven to effective for the treatment of joint pain, arthritis, back pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea , Bell's palsy, sciatic pain, soft tissue injuries, and some skin conditions. This is another natural healing treatment without any known side effects.


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